Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Parliament condemns crime of destroying Palestinian Legislative Council building & mourns martyrdom of Speaker of Council in Gaza

The House of Representatives of the Republic of Yemen condemned from the capital, Sana’a, and strongly denounced the crime of bombing and destroying the Legislative Council building in the Gaza Strip by the Zionist enemy.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the Council condemned the crime of targeting the usurping entity of the Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Dr. Ahmed Bahr, and the crimes committed against members of the Legislative Council and the Palestinian people, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of thousands, led by the Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

The Council affirmed that the usurping entity’s targeting of the Legislative Council building in Gaza comes within a series of brutal crimes, massacres, and systematic genocidal war committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people for nearly a month and a half.

The House of Representatives called on the Arab, regional and international parliaments to take urgent and effective action and put pressure on their governments and countries to support and aid the Palestinian people in confronting the aggressive war waged by the Zionist entity with American and Western support.

He also called on parliaments, unions, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to condemn the crimes committed by the Zionist occupation against civilians and the capabilities of the Palestinian people, and to put pressure on stopping the American-Zionist aggression against Gaza and breaking the siege imposed on the Strip.

The House of Representatives called on the parliaments and free people of the world to cooperate in pursuing the leaders of the Zionist entity through the International Criminal Court to try them for the horrific massacres, war crimes and genocide they committed against civilians, children and women, and the demolition of more than half of Gaza’s housing on the heads of its residents and the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosques and places of worship, in addition to target bakeries and drinking water tanks and prevent the entry of fuel, food and medicine.

He held America, Britain, France, and the Western countries that support the leaders of the Zionist entity responsible for these crimes and massacres against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the occupied territories.

The House of Representatives of the Republic of Yemen reaffirmed the right of the Palestinian people to defend themselves and their legitimate rights to liberate and restore the independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

The Council’s statement expressed sincere condolences and sympathy to the presidency and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, its valiant resistance, and all the people of Palestine over the martyrdom of the Acting President of the Palestinian Legislative Council and all the martyrs who were affected by the hand of the American Zionist crime.

He prayed to the Almighty God to have mercy on them and grant the injured a speedy recovery and a supportive victory for the free men of the resistance, and shame and disgrace to the negligent and normalized ones.

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