Civil society of Development and Freedoms

825 Crimes Against Travelers through Airports Under Control of US-Saudi Aggression

Statistics issued by the Southern Governorates Media Center revealed the escalation of violations and crimes in occupied southern governorates during the current year.

The Southern Governorates Media Center confirmed that violations and crimes of the coalition forces have risen to unprecedented levels on the highways linking the free and occupied governorates, and at Aden and Seiyun airports.

The crimes varied between murder, organized looting, and forced disappearance. The results of cumulative monitoring indicated that number of crimes committed against returning travelers through Aden International Airport, during the period between January and September this year, amounted to 643 declared crimes, including 87 arrest crimes against travelers on public roads, and at Aden Airport, including Students and patients.

The statistics stated that 121 travel bans were listed by armed militias of the so-called “Southern Transitional Council”, affiliated with UAE, at checkpoints spread along the roads linking the free and occupied governorates.

The Center monitored more than 267 crimes of extortion against travelers on the roads and owners of trucks working in the field of transport between governorates, in addition to 72 arrests against travelers, on their way to Saudi Arabia by air, and others were arrested during their arrival at Aden Airport.

The center’s statistics also recorded 58 crimes against travelers, most of whom were subjected to looting of property in Al-Sabiha-Tur Al-Baha line, and the crimes of confiscating travel documents amounted to 38 crimes.

The statistic pointed to the victims of road crimes including hundreds of travelers, whether Yemeni citizens, students studying abroad, traders, drivers working in the field of public transportation, workers, employees of the private sector and workers in humanitarian field.

The report indicated that militias affiliated with the coalition took advantage of the closure of Sana’a International Airport and the land and sea ports in the free governorates. To carry out crimes against travelers.

Aden airport has turned into a station for catching travelers returning or leaving abroad, and dozens of citizens have been arrested by the so-called “transitional council” militias, which control the airport.

Human rights sources confirmed that the militia of the so-called “transitional council” arrested dozens of students returning from abroad under the slander of their opponents, and released them in exchange for their families paying millions of riyals to military leaders.

The center indicated that flag point, the so-called “Jawas” point, security belt militia points, and STC militia points have dealt – during the past years – with citizens with the culture of the occupier, and his efforts to strike social and humanitarian values   and sow hatred among Yemeni society.

The report said: “The militia of so-called Transitional and Reform Council, which shares influence and control in Al-Baha phase, has transformed the public roads, which constitute humanitarian corridors for thousands of citizens to the city of Aden to travel abroad, into arenas for the practice of various crimes and violations against passers-by without any religious scruples. or moral or humanitarian.”

The center added: “These militias openly practice extortion against pedestrians, and impose royalties on medium and small transport drivers, who work in transporting passengers from the free governorates to the city of Aden.”

The media center for the southern governorates monitored the detention of a truck belonging to merchants from the port of Aden, and its driver was arrested and released after paying royalties ranging from 300,000 riyals to 1 million riyals.

According to the center, 22 crimes of cutting and looting of cars were monitored by armed gangs affiliated with the STC during the past two months, the last of which was the looting of a “bus” type car by force after looting the property of its passengers in an area close to the control areas of the “Eighth Saiqa Brigade” in Tur Al Baha.

Human rights sources confirmed that the brigade’s militias have arrested more than 54 citizens during the past weeks, on accusations of being affiliated with the Islah party, with which it has been in conflict in Al-Baha phase for more than a year.

Arrest and extortion crimes in Al-Wadea port and Shabwa.

A statistic issued by the media center for the southern governorates confirmed that Islah party militia had committed more than 182 crimes of extortion, arrest and enforced disappearance, in Al-Abr, Shabwa and Marib regions, against citizens who were traveling by land to Saudi Arabia through Al-Wadi’a port, and others who were on their way to Seiyun Airport in Hadhramaut Valley to travel to Saudi Arabia. Abroad, some of them are patients, students studying abroad and returning from medical trips.

The statistics pointed out that there were dozens of crimes of extortion and looting against Yemeni citizens by the armed militias affiliated with the Islah Party, which were not announced.

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