Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Delta Covid variant appeared in 92 countries, WHO says

The Covid variant now named Delta, which was first detected in India, has been reported in 92 countries, the WHO expert Maria Van Kerkhove said on Tuesday.

Kerkhove said: “Delta” is of particular concern because it is more contagious and is spreading rapidly throughout the world, and this is also due to non-compliance with social and health prevention measures in various countries.

Doctors in India earlier announced a list of serious symptoms that characterize the new Indian coronavirus strain, “Delta Plus.”

On Sunday, the Indian state of Maharashtra recorded 20 cases of a new strain of the Corona virus called “Delta Plus”, which the world did not know before.

India ranks second in the world in terms of infections and deaths from the Corona virus after the United States, as it recorded nearly 30 million infections, and more than 388,000 deaths.

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