Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Two Criminal Investigation Officers Injured in Explosive Device Explosion in Lahj

Two officers from the Criminal Investigation Department were injured in explosive device explosion in their car, Monday, in the city of Al-Houta, in occupied Lahj governorate.

Aden and southern governorates are witnessing security chaos, and almost daily crimes, under the control of the forces of US-Saudi aggression and Saudi-Emirati occupation. They witness increasing of assassinations involving military security leaders, religious and social tendencies, kidnapping, bombings and clashes between militants fighting for influence among them.

The annual report issued by the Media Center for the Southern Governorates stated that it had documented 1259 crimes and serious violations during the past year, including 159 assassinations as a result of the conflict between the militia of the Southern Transitional.

The report indicated that the center monitored 82 home raids in Aden and Shabwa governorates. Kidnappings have escalated, in Aden, Abyan, Shabwa and Lahj 67 crimes were committed affecting military commanders, civilian leaders and citizens, including party leaders, workers, women and children.

The crimes of clashes in the governorates of Aden, Lahj, Al-Dhalae, Abyan and Shabwa increased to 265 crimes due to insecurity and the proliferation of militias and armed groups loyal to the countries of the coalition.

220 detention crimes affected people in Aden, Shabwa, Lahj, Abyan, Hadramout and Al Dhalae, indicating that 200 violations and forced deportations were committed on racial grounds against 4,500 people, the report added.

The report indicated that 92 crimes of extortion against merchants and investors of the occupied southern governorates were committed.

“Based on the directives of the occupying countries, the armed militias affiliated with them faced peaceful protests in the streets of Aden, Ataq, Mukalla and Wadi Hadramawt districts by force of arms, forced arrests, chases, and raids on the homes of the free people who rejected the occupation,” the report pointed out.

The report stated that the Center’s monitoring unit has recorded 380 crimes against peaceful protesters in the occupied southern governorates during September, including three killings, 280 arrests and extra-legal detentions, and 36 neighborhood raids to search for activists opposed to the starvation policies implemented by the occupying countries and Hadi’s government.

As a result of the escalating security chaos, seven incidents of systematic bombings, with the intent to harm the citizens’ peace in the city of Aden, were monitored, and 9 raids of citizens’ homes by armed militias, in addition to the suppression, intimidation, shooting and arrest of the protesters in a number of governorates.

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